Station 17 Partial Remodel Construction Management Services -BIDS CLOSED-
Posted December 9, 2021

Bids for CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT SERVICES in accordance with the Project Plans and Contract Documents designated "STATION 17- PARTIAL REMODEL PROJECT" will be received by mail or in person until January 7th, 2022. This is a District funded project and subject to local and state regulations, including wage rates, civil rights, equipment certifications. etc. Bids shall be executed in accordance with the instructions given in the Request for Proposal which can be obtained on the District’s website starting December 9th, 2021 at .
The station is located at 6430 Pony Express Trail, Pollock Pines, CA 95726. The job description generally consists of, but is not limited to, providing construction management services including contract administration, scheduling, cost tracking, and related services for the completion of the “Station 17- Partial Remodel Project”. Focused areas of the construction oversight will include bathroom remodel, kitchen remodel, relocating non-load bearing walls, updated plumbing and electrical systems and improvements for an ADA compliant parking stall. The Construction Manager shall be a licensed professional architect, registered engineer or licensed general contractor in the State of California.
Project Documents
View the entire Notice Inviting Bids here:
Notice Inviting Bid- St17.pdfS17- Remodel Addendum 1.pdf
View the Request for Proposal here:
RFP Partial Remodel- St17.pdf
View the stamped and approved plans here:
A0.1- Title Sheet.pdfA1- Site Plan.pdfA2.1- Demolition Plan.pdfA2.2- Tenant Improvement Plan.pdfA3- Reflected Ceiling Plan.pdfA4- Door Window Finish Schedule.pdfA5.1- Suspended Ceiling Details and Notes.pdfA5.2- Misc. Details.pdfAO.2- General Notes, Abbreviations.pdfCR1- Exiting and Occupancy Plan.pdfEP1- Electrical Plumbing Plans.pdfEP2- Kitchen, Bathroom, Laundry Room Plumbing Plan.pdfEP3- Existing Panel Schedule.pdfEP4- New Panel Schedule.pdfEPO- Existing Electrical Ceiling Plan.pdfT24-1- CA BEES.pdfT24-2- CA BEES.pdfT24-3- CA BEES.pdf