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Request an Incident Report

Request an Incident Report


Incident reports are available to those affiliated with the incident for a fee of $40.00 (Cash or Check).  Please complete this request form below.  If you have any other questions, please contact the Administrative Office at 530-644-9630.

Fire investigation reports are not always available upon demand, as the incident may still be an open investigation. Should the report subsequently be closed and deemed non-criminal the full report will be released to the requestor at no additional cost. It should be noted that personal and medical protected information will be redacted from these reports prior to release. Any fire investigation report that is open or deemed criminal  will not be released without a subpoena.

Incident reports need to approved by the Divison Cheif on Duty at the time of the incident. Please allow up to a week for processing unless otherwise noted.  

*Note: If you are trying to request a Patient Care Report, you will need to contact El Dorado County EMSA as we do not retain these records.

Reports will not be released without payment. 

Incident Request Form

Contact Information

Incident Information


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