Engineering (Development) and Plan Review

**Fire Prevention Offices Moved**
As of March 25th, 2024, our Prevention offices moved to Diamond Springs Fire Station 49.
501 Pleasant Valley Rd, Diamond Springs CA 95619
Payments, processes, and contacts for both districts will remain the same even as we get adjusted to our new location.
Engineering plan review services include the review and approval of new construction buildings, access, and water supply systems for subdivisions and new buildings, tenant improvement in existing commercial buildings, new fire suppression and life safety systems installations and modifications to existing systems, high-piled combustible rack storage systems, hazardous materials storage, and process piping systems for compliance with applicable Building Code and/or Fire Code and NFPA Standards.
Construction document plans and supporting data shall be submitted to the fire district for all land development, or for the construction, alteration, or renovation of a building where a building permit is required, in the form of electronic or paper plans/documents with each construction permit application. Construction documents shall be drawn to scale and be of such clarity to indicate the location, nature and extent of the work (scope) proposed and show in detail that it will conform to the provisions of the fire code and relevant laws, ordinances, rules and regulations.
***As of March 1st 2023, we will only be accepting electronic plan submittals. Plans need to be in PDF format. To submit plans please email them to ***
Permit Application
Information Sheets
- Addressing of Buildings
- Automatic Gates on Fire Access Roadways
- CA Title 14 Fire Safe Regulations
- Care Facility Having 6 or Fewer Clients
- Fire Safe Driveway Regulations
- Emergency Access Ways
- FDC and PIV Install
- FDC and Valve Signage
- Fire Department Access During Construction
- Fire Extinguisher Placement
- Installation of Fire Sprinkler
- Installation of Residential Fire Sprinkler Standard
- Large Family Day Care
- No Parking Fire Lane Standard
- Solar Photovoltaic Installation Standard
- Setback Requirements Bulletin
- Water Supplies for Suburban and Rural Firefighting updated 03/2022